Sunday, October 23, 2011

Violent Fashion Advertising

The term "Sex Sells" is usually right when it comes to products and advertising. Fashion advertising uses lots of violence if you look close enough and really realize what you are looking at. Many of these advertisements show some sort of violence, and some even glorify it by using sexualization and fancy fashion.

Man is digging the woman's grave, while she lays in the trunk

Glorifying guns and knives

Objectifying woman/Woman with her hands tied up

It seems as though advertisements always have the woman being/looking powerless, and many of the fashion advertisements are like this. 

"We never see men in these positions," he says. "We never see men upside down, we never see men being tied up, we never see men being assaulted by women, we never see men being hit by men, being hit by things in the head. We certainly wouldn't see men enjoying it. " x

It is quite crazy to me that advertisements featuring women being objectified still exists and are created. I don't understand how an advertisement featuring a women being objectified helps sell products. 

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