When a consumer flips through a magazine, they are bombarded with fashion advertisements. How does a brand advertise their clothing online in a unique way to catch attention from web users?
It's hard to convert print advertising to online advertising, because they are two different advertising mediums. When making a campaign, the advertising agency must have something different from their print advertisements to their online advertisements. Online advertisements can all be very different; single pictures, moving pictures, pop-up advertisements, and promotional advertising on blogs. The movement towards iPad's being used to read newspapers and magazines also need to be taken into consideration, because now advertisements that would normally be print for magazines, can be turned into different online advertisements, as a GIF/moving advertisement.
Many brands are creating their own blogs and other social networking sites to advertise their products along with print advertisement. Spending is changing from brands paying for print and television advertising to advertise on their own networks. When it comes to advertising brands/fashion, a current trend to remember is that many people are shopping online now. Having an interactive shopping website can help consumers decide what products they want and give them a positive online experience.
For example, Warby Parker sells sunglasses and eyeglasses. Not only do they give a pair to someone who needs them when you need a pair, but when deciding what pair you want, they give you the option of the "virtual try on"; a way to try on your glasses using your webcam.
As someone who does online shop, this is such a good tool to have. The consumer will know what they are going to expect when they get their glasses in the mail, and they won't have to return them. I believe this is the best advantage online advertising has over print, the ability to engage the customer with the products, something print advertising can't really do.
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