Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sexualization of Women and Girls in Fashion Advertising

When our world is so cluttered by advertisements everywhere we go, how does an advertisement stand out? By having that advertisement that catches your eye immediately with its wow-factor. The demand for younger and younger models are growing in the Fashion Industry more and more, especially in Print Advertisements. 

So when does the Sexualization of Women in Fashion Advertising draw a line?

Recently in North America, there has been outrage over a French company that produces "loungerie", lounge wear and lingerie combined. This would probably be somewhat reasonable, if the target market for this clothing wasn't for 4 - 12 year old girls. The line is called "Jours Après Lunes", and it includes bras, panties, etc. Many people in the Fashion Industry were quite shocked that a company had 12 year old girls photographed for the advertisements, wearing makeup and the revealing clothing, and posing in ways that were too premature for them. Many publications said that they couldn't even publish the photos on their blogs and new sites due to the photographs being too inappropriate to post. However, according to, the Europeans would most likely be less offended by the advertisements/pictures.

(Part Two to follow..)

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